Forum Club Handball eV (FCH) is a Non-Profit-Organization (NPO), representing the interests of their members vis-à-vis European Handball Federation (EHF), International Handball Federation (IHF), European Commission (EC) and others.

(updated Jan 2025. Proposed changes in italics)

In order to organize the work of FCH, European Top Handball clubs agreed upon the following

  1. Rules of Procedure (RoP)

for the FCH General Assembly.

The FCH General Assembly (GA) is the highest body of FCH. The GA meets at least once per year.

The GA decides upon the guidelines of the policy of the European Top  Handball Clubs.

The following clubs are automatically active members of FCH:

  • The EHF Champions League clubs +
  • The EHF European League Clubs (Qualification included) +
  • The Top 16 EHF Cup Clubs
  • all National Champions

 + all participants of the round of the ‘Last 8’ of Non-European Continental Club Competitions.

in the current and/or in the previous season.

If the requirements are no longer met by the member, the clubs becomes passive member.

Motions to the GA: Every active member may forward motions to the GA.

The motions must be forwarded to

4 weeks prior to the meeting.

The GA may allow motions to be forwarded during the GA, if a 75% majority is in favor of permitting the motion.

1.1 FCH Board

The GA will elect a Board. The Board will consist out of 12 European and one Non-European club representatives.

The Board leads the policy of European Top Handball clubs between the General Assemblies according to the guidelines, determined by the FCH General Assembly.

1.2 Election of FCH Board members

Every active member club may propose one candidate for the Board of FCH.

The GA will elect FCH Board members according to the ‘FCH Club Competitions ranking 25/26’ (attached), based on the ‘EHF Club Competitions Ranking’ (attached) as follows (status August 2024 in brackets):

The clubs from the nation ranked 1st (GER) in the ‘FCH Club Competitions Ranking 25/26’ will have two Board members.

The clubs from the nation ranked 2nd (ESP) in the ‘FCH Club Competitions Ranking 25/26’ will have two Board members.

The clubs from the nations ranked 3 – 9 (POL, FRA, DEN, HUN, POR, CRO, ROM) in the ‘FCH Club Competitions Ranking 25/26’ will have four Board members.

No nation may have more than one Board member in this group. If two or more clubs apply for Board membership from one nation, an election between them will determine the final candidate.

The clubs from the nations ranked 10 – 18 (MKD, SLO, NOR, UKR, BLR, SWE, SUI, ISL, RUS) in the ‘FCH Club Competitions Ranking 25/26’ will have two Board members.

No nation may have more than one Board member in this group. If two or more clubs apply for Board membership from one nation, an election between them will determine the final candidate.

The clubs from the nations ranked 19 – 30 (GRE, SRB, SVK, AUT, FIN, BIH, TUR, MNE, ISR, CZE, ITA, LUX) in the ‘FCH Club Competitions 25/26’ will have one Board member.

The clubs from the nations ranked 30-50 in the ‘FCH European-Cup ranking 25/26’ (CYP, EST, KOS, NED, BEL, FAR, LAT, LTU, AZE, BUL, ALB, AND, ARM, GBR, GEO, IRL, LIE, MDA, MLT, MON …) will have one Board member.

If there are no candidates from one of the groups, the Board may appoint a Board member.

The General Assembly shall elect one Board member from another continent. This Board member shall be elected as Vice-President.

Details are specified in the ‘Election Regulations’.

1.3 FCH Office holders

The FCH Board will suggest candidates as representatives for the various bodies/offices of FCH/EHF/IHF.

The General Assembly of FCH will elect FCH representatives into the various bodies in FCH/EHF/IHF as follows:

FCH President 1

FCH Vice-Presidents 3

including: FCH Vice-President Finances 1

including: FCH Vice-President Non-Europe 1

FCH Development Project 3

FCH Comptroller 1

EHF Professional Handball Board 2

EHF Competitions Commission 1

EHFM Men’s Club Board members 3

EHFM Comptroller 1

EHFM Advisory Board 0

The 3 elected members of the MCB will elect their speaker.

The speaker has to be approved by the FCH Board. Once the speaker is approved by the FCH Board, he will be appointed as FCH member in the Advisory Board.

EHF/M-FCH-Infront Strategy Committee 0

The 3 elected members of the MCB will elect their speaker.

The speaker has to be approved by the FCH Board. Once the speaker is approved by the FCH Board, he will be appointed as FCH member in EHF/M FCH Infront Strategy Committee

FCH Development project Chairman 0

The Board member Nations ranked 19-30 will chair the Working Group Development.

EHFM Men’s Club Board deputies 0

The FCH Board may appoint 2-3 EHFM Men’s Club Board deputies in order to have a balanced representation of interests.

FCH Representative in the EHF/M FCH-Evaluation Group 0

The FCH Representative in the Evaluation Group will be appointed

by the FCH Board.

The FCH Board has the task to appoint FCH Office holders, if a new office is created by EHF, IHF or other organizations in the periods during General Assemblies.

The appointed person has to be elected during the next General Assembly.

1.4 Eligibility to vote

Active member clubs will be eligible to vote if the club representative is physically present and the person present is registered by the club to 3 days before the meeting at the latest.

It is not possible to delegate the vote to a third person (or club). The club representative must be nominated the Club Board.

1.5 Election Period

The election period will be four years. The next election period covers the season 25/26, 26/27, 27/28 and 28/29.

Further elections will take place at the end of the season 28/29, 32/33 …. (every 4 years)

1.6 Resignation of a Board member

In case of the resignation of a Board member during the electoral period, the Board member can be replaced during the next General Assembly.

In case of the resignation of an FCH officer during the electoral period, the FCH Board may appoint a person to replace him.

In case of withdrawl of a Board member from the club during the electoral period, the Board member will be replaced during the next General Assembly or the Board may appoint a person to replace him/her.

1.7 Candidates

Every active member club may propose one person as Board member in FCH.

Candidates to become FCH Board member have to be proposed by their club two weeks prior to the elections at the latest. They have to be Board members of their club.

Candidates do not have to be present to become elected.

1.8 Voting rights

The member clubs of FCH have different numbers of voting rights according to their sportive success as follows (taking in account the better result of current and previous season):

4 votes: The Champions League clubs of season 23/24 or 24/25

2 votes: Non-European Clubs

2 votes: The Top 32 EHF European League Clubs of season 23/24 or


1 vote:   All clubs which participated in the Qualification to the EHF

European League of season 23/24 or 24/25

1 vote:   The Top 16 EHF Cup Clubs of season 23/24 or 24/25

1 vote:   All EHF National Champions of season 23/24 or 24/25

1.9 Managing Director

The Managing Director has the responsibility to convoke and organize the GA and produce the meeting minutes according to the FCH Statutes.

As long as no other decision is taken, the Managing Director of FCH shall act as an Election Supervisor.

The Managing Director shall execute the FCH Board resolutions and represent FCH as advised by the GA/Board.

The Managing Director shall not be a club member.

Due to his function the Managing Director will represent the interests of FCH in the EHFM Men’s Club Board, in the EHFM Advisory Board, in EHF, IHF and vis-a-vis other organizations.

1.10 Representation

The President and the two (/three) Vice-Presidents are the political representatives of FCH.


In order to prepare elections of FORUM CLUB HANDBALL eV (FCH), European Handball Top clubs agree upon the following

  1. Election Regulations

for the FCH General Assembly:

2.1 Introduction

These regulations are set up by FORUM CLUB HANDBALL eV (FCH) to govern the conduct of elections required under the ‘FCH Regulations of Procedure’. These regulations may not be altered from the time nominations are open until the result of the election is officially declared.

2.2 Election

An election can be executed if the FCH General Assembly (GA) has been convoked according to the ‘FCH Election Regulations’ and at least 50 votes are present.

The following office bearers are to be elected:

  • 1 Election Supervisor
  • 3 Tellers
  • 12 Board members
  • plus One Non-European Board member/Vice-President

Committee members and FCH office holders may be proposed by the newly elected FCH Board or/and the GA and will be elected during the GA in the following order:

  1. FCH President 1
  2. FCH Vice-Presidents 3,

one of them to be elected as FCH Vice-President Finances and

one of them to be elected as FCH Vice-President Non-Europe

  1. FCH Development Project 3
  2. FCH Comptroller 1
  3. EHF Professional Handball Board 2
  4. EHF Competitions Commission 1
  5. EHFM Men’s Club Board members 3
  6. EHFM Comptroller 1

Without election the following offices are appointed:

  1. EHFM Advisory Board speaker 0

The 3 elected members of the MCB will elect their speaker.

The speaker has to be approved by the FCH Board. Once the speaker is approved by the FCH Board, he will be appointed as FCH speaker in the Advisory Board.

  1. EHF/M Infront FCH Strategy Committee representative 0

The 3 elected members of the MCB will elect their speaker.

The speaker has to be approved by the FCH Board. Once the speaker is approved by the FCH Board, he will be appointed as FCH representative in the EHF/M FCH Infront Strategy Committee

  1. FCH Development project Chairman 0

The Board member Nations ranked 19-30 will chair the Working Group Development.

  1. EHFM Men’s Club Board deputies 0

The 2-3 Men’s Club Board deputies are to be appointed by the FCH Board at later stage in order to have a balanced representation of interests.

  1. The FCH representative in the EHF/M-FCH Evaluation Group

will be appointed by the FCH Board.

2.3 Term of office

The elections take place every fourth year at the end of the season, starting in June 25. The term of office for all office bearers expires at the end of the season after four years. All retiring office bearers are eligible for re-election

2.4 The Election Supervisor

An Election Supervisor must be appointed by the outgoing Board to oversee the conduct of the election. The Election Supervisor must not be a candidate as Board member. The Election Supervisor may, in writing delegate any powers or responsibilities to any person or organisation other than a candidate.

Usually the Managing Director will act as Election Supervisor.

2.5 Eligibility to nominate

Active member clubs of FCH with eligibility to vote in June 25 are:

  • The EHF Champions League clubs (season 23/24 and/or 24/25)
  • The EHF European League Clubs (season 23/24 and/or 24/25)

(Qualification included)

  • Top 16 EHF Cup Clubs (season 23/24 and/or 24/25)
  • all National Champions (season 23/24 and/or 24/25)

+ all Non-European FCH member clubs

Any active member club is eligible to nominate a candidate for the  elections. No member club may nominate more than one candidate as Board member.

No nation may have more than one Board member in their group. If two or more clubs apply for Board membership from one nation, an election between them will determine the final candidate.

The elections are to be conducted in the order listed above.

If a club did not fulfil the requirements to be active FCH member for 3 seasons (nations ranked 31-50: 5 seasons) the club will have no longer the privileges like a FCH member.

2.6 Call for nominations/Notice of election

The Election Supervisor must notify the FCH member clubs of the election via the FCH website and call for nominations at least 4 weeks before the election.

Nominations to become FCH Board member close 2 weeks before the election.

The call for nominations must state:

  • which positions are vacant
  • the eligibility criteria for members wishing to stand
  • details of how nominations may be lodged
  • the date and time for the opening and closing of nominations and
  • details of how and when polling is to be conducted.

The notice of election and call for nominations must be communicated to members via the FCH website. 

2.7 Submission of nominations

Nominations must:

  • be submitted to the elections supervisor
  • be submitted by e-mail to
  • submitted by the club and contain the statement that the proposed candidate is Board member of the club
  • indicate the position of the candidate in the club
  • contain the consent of the candidate
  • be submitted during the period when nominations may be lodged.

If the Election Supervisor determines that a nomination submitted during the nominations period is not valid, the Election Supervisor must make a reasonable attempt to contact the candidate as soon as practicable and inform him/her that the nomination is not valid and if the nomination may be corrected to make it valid, inform the candidate that he/she may remedy the nomination and resubmit it to the Election Supervisor prior to the close of nominations.

Nominations may be withdrawn any time up until the close of nominations.

Nominations should not be made public until after the time of declaration. The time and place of declaration should be published on the FCH website.

After the time of declaration, the Election Supervisor should publish the nominations on the FCH website.

If the number of candidates nominated for any position is less than the number required to be elected, any unfilled position is to be considered a casual vacancy and must be filled during the next General Assembly.

If the number of candidates nominated is greater than the number required to be elected, the Election Supervisor must conduct an election.

All nominations, valid and invalid, must be kept by the Election Supervisor in a secure place until the poll is declared.

2.8 Candidate’s statements

Candidates may provide a recent photograph of themselves and a written statement of not more than one page, comprising factual biographical information and, if the candidate wishes, a statement of policy until the close of nominations. The Election Supervisor will provide it to all members before the election.

2.9 Voting

Voting at the election is to be by attendance at the General Assembly only.

The Election Supervisor must ensure that procedures are in place to:

  • limit each eligible voter to voting no more than once and
  • ensure that the way in which any voter marks his/her ballot paper is not revealed, either when that member votes or at any later stage.

The Election Supervisor may decide that a voting is executed by show of hands.

The Election Supervisor must decide that a voting is executed as a secret voting, if requested by at least 10% of the eligible votes.

2.10 Eligibility to vote

All active members of FCH who are correctly registered, have paid all their fees (if there are any) and are not under suspension at the time that nominations closes are entitled to vote at the election.

The Election Supervisor must prepare a list of active members eligible to vote at the election.

If a club did not fulfil the requirements* to be FCH member for 3 seasons the club will have no longer have the priviliges like a FCH member.

fulfil the requirements* means that the club was not amongst the

  • EHF Champions League participants
  • EHF European League (incl. Qualifcation) participants
  • Top 16 in the EHF European Cup

and not a National Champion

2.11 Number of Votes

Every Club receives votes according to the ‘FCH European Cup Nation Ranking’ as follows (taking in account the better result of current and previous season):

4 votes: Champions League clubs season 23/24 + 24/25

2 votes: Non-European member clubs

2 votes: EHF European League Clubs (incl. Qualification) season


1 vote:   Top 16 European Cup Clubs season 23/24 + 24/25

1 vote:   All National Champions 2024 + 2025

2.12 Ballot papers

The Election Supervisor must arrange for preparation of the ballot papers.

The ballot paper must be initialled by the Election Supervisor.

2.13 Counting the votes

The Election Supervisor must ensure that ballot boxes are opened in front of the tellers.

The Election Supervisor must, as soon as practicable after the close of polling, arrange for the counting of votes to commence.

The votes are to be counted in accordance with the number of voting rights.

No candidate may attend the counting of votes for the election, if he or she is contesting for any other election conducted at the same time.

The Election Supervisor may admit other members of FCH to attend the counting of votes at his/her discretion.

The Election Supervisor must determine whether or not each vote is valid in accordance with these regulations.

Votes may be recounted at the discretion of the Election Supervisor.

2.14 Formality of ballot papers

A ballot paper is informal if:

  • it is not authenticated by the initials of the Election Supervisor or by a security device authorised by the Election Supervisor; or
  • it has no vote/name indicated on it.

A vote will be counted if the voting intention of the elector is clear.

2.15 Declaring the results

At the conclusion of the election the Election Supervisor must prepare a report that details:

  • the results of the election;
  • the number of votes received by each candidate; and
  • any other relevant information that may assist FCH.

The Election Supervisor shall submit the report to the members during the General Assembly.

2.16 Destruction of ballot papers

Election papers will be destroyed as soon as practicable after the expiration of the dispute period applying after the result of the election was declared.

2.17 Disputes

Any candidate may dispute the results of the election in writing, setting out the details of the dispute, within one week.

Disputes are to be considered by the Election Supervisor of FCH. The Election Supervisor shall consider any application disputing an election result and shall declare the election void and order that a fresh election must be held; or declare that a person who has been declared elected was not elected and declare that a person who has not been elected was elected; or declare that the original election result is confirmed.

2.18 Casual vacancies

Any casual vacancy is to be filled with a by-election held in accordance with these rules during the next GA. The new representative is elected until the next electoral GA.

2.19 Counting of Votes

The process of counting votes to elect one person is as follows:

Sort all ballot papers for each candidate informal and count the total number of votes in each category.

Calculate the absolute majority, by adding the total of all formal votes, divide by two, add one and disregard any remainder, as shown in this formula:

Number of formal votes +1

If any candidate has received an absolute majority, that candidate is elected.

If no candidate has received an absolute majority, the candidate who has received the fewest number of votes is excluded.

Where at any time it becomes necessary to exclude a candidate, and two or more candidates standing lowest on the poll have the same number of votes, exclude that candidate who had fewer votes at the last count at which they were unequal.  If there are no counts at which those candidates had unequal votes, then the Election Supervisor should determine by lot the candidate to be excluded.

The process of excluding candidates continues until one candidate has received an absolute majority.

If no candidate has received an absolute majority, the election process will be repeated during the next FCH General assembly.

The according position will be vacant in the meantime. In case of necessity the Board may appoint a preliminary representative.

The process of counting votes to elect more than one person is as follows:

Every member fills out a ballot paper with the requested number of candidates. Every candidate receives votes according to paragraph ‘Number of Votes’.

The candidates with the majority of votes are elected.

In case of equal number of votes a second ballot is executed among the concerned candidates. In case of equal number of votes in the second ballot, a third ballot is executed among the concerned candidates. In case of equal number of votes in the third ballot, then the Election Supervisor should determine by lot the candidate to be excluded.


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